Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Please help!

Despite recent help offered by so many amazingly generous individuals in facilitating recent visitation with my children, more urgent help is needed.  I am currently making a very ambitious push to get my promising business ideas off the ground so that I can be self-sufficient in helping myself in accomplishing more time with my children via more visits, and/or a change in custody.

Please visit the formal campaign I have set up on Indiegogo.com to learn more about my plans for succeeding in this goal.  You can make a donation to this passionate cause on the campaign website, or right here on this blog using the Paypal donate button to the right of this post.  Perhaps more importantly, PLEASE SHARE this cause with anyone you can by using the share links (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) found on the campaign's main page

Also, I am currently working on a timeline that outlines the overall history of this ongoing custody situation  with my children, in case you were interested in learning more.  See the Timeline link to the right.

The kids and I thank you in advance!